Options for Integrating HIV & TB in Domestic Health Financing Mechanisms in Cambodia

Desk review, KI interviews, analysis, reporting, recommendations


Baseline Survey: Appropriate Care Seeking for Pneumonia for Children under 5 Years in Cambodia

Survey and instrument design, data collection and data management, analysis and reporting


Midterm Evaluation: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Mixed methods survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Partnering to Save Lives: Midline Evaluation of Garment Factory Workers’ Reproductive Health

Mixed methods survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Impact Evaluation of Service Delivery Grants in the Health Sector in Cambodia: Baseline Survey

Survey design review, sampling, instrument review and translation (Khmer-English), CAPI data collection, data entry and verification


Endline Assessment: Communication for Behavioral Impact on Appropriate Care-Seeking for Sick Newborns and Children with Pneumonia (COMBI)

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting and policy briefs


Focus Group Discussions with the Beneficiaries of the COVID-19 Relief Transfer for the Poor Program in Cambodia

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Abortion related stigma and discrimination in Cambodia

Survey design, sampling, instrument design, translation (Khmer-English) and pre-testing, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Household Enterprise (HHE) Survey in Cambodia

Study design; sampling methodology; revision of instrument; translation; pre-testing; CAPI data collection; data management, coding and translation; reporting


REACT and FCF Baseline/ Shared Indicator Study

Desk review; study design; sampling methodology; instrument design; pre-testing; secondary data analysis; translation; CAPI data collection; data management, coding and analysis; reporting
