Prospective Country Evaluation: Cambodia

Process and resource tracking and evaluation; gap identification, analysis and assessment; research design and implementation; capacity building; qualitative and quantitative evaluation; reporting and dissemination.


Reproductive, Maternal and Neonatal Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices among Garment Factory Workers: Endline Survey

Survey design review, sampling, instrument review and translation (Khmer-English), CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Reproductive, Maternal and Neonatal Health in Eight Provinces: Endline Survey

Survey design review, sampling, instrument review and translation (Khmer-English), CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting

Study on Education Services for Children with Disabilities in Cambodia

The Study on Education Services for Children with Disabilities in Cambodia aims to provide an understanding of the resources and accessibility of lower primary and basic literacy education available to children with disabilities in Cambodia generally, and in target districts in Siem Reap.


Biodigester Verification Survey Team

Periodic monitoring services, instrument review and translation, CAPI and CATI satisfaction interviews and product verifications, reporting

Impact Evaluation of the Voice and Action: Social Accountability for Improved Service Delivery (I-SAF) Project: Baseline Survey

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting

Endline Assessment: Communication for Behavioral Impact on Appropriate Care-Seeking for Sick Newborns and Children with Pneumonia (COMBI)

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting and policy briefs


Effectiveness of Worker Health model on improving RH and FP services for female garment factory workers in Cambodia

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting and policy briefs


Baseline Survey: Impact Evaluation of the Voice and Action: Social Accountability for Improved Service Delivery (I-SAF) Project

In order to enhance the accountability of service providers and local officials and, as a result, improve the quality of service delivery, the Cambodian government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and bilateral donors have – with assistance from the World Bank through the Voice and Action Program (VAP) – developed the Social Accountability Framework (SAF).


Study on Education Services for Children with Disabilities in Siem Reap Province

Survey design, sampling, instrument design, translation (Khmer-English) and pre-testing, CAPI data collection, data management and database design
