Baseline Service Access, Quality and Uptake Study (SAQUS)

The Australia-Cambodia Cooperation for Equitable Sustainable Services (ACCESS) program is a three-year (2018-2021) Australian Government initiative.


Reproductive, Maternal and Neonatal Health in Eight Provinces: Endline Survey

Survey design review, sampling, instrument review and translation (Khmer-English), CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting

Study on Education Services for Children with Disabilities in Cambodia

The Study on Education Services for Children with Disabilities in Cambodia aims to provide an understanding of the resources and accessibility of lower primary and basic literacy education available to children with disabilities in Cambodia generally, and in target districts in Siem Reap.


Partnering to Save Lives: Midline Evaluation of Garment Factory Workers’ Reproductive Health

Mixed methods survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Study on Commune/Sangkat Planning and Budgeting for Social Services

Research methodology, literature review, instrument design, staff training, data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Least Cost Biodigester Scale-up Program Market Survey

Research methodology, instrument design, staff training, data collection, data management and analysis


Health Equity Fund Utilisation Survey

Research methodology, instrument design, staff training, data collection, data management, analysis and reporting


Study on Youth Exclusion and Social Unrest in the Asia Pacific Region

Research, methodology and TOR design, procurement consulting, instrument design, staff training, data collection and analysis


HEF Utilisation Survey: Complementary Survey
(Evaluation of the Impact and Efficiency of the Integrated Social Health Protection Scheme in Cambodia: Follow-up Survey)

In 2013, the German-Cambodian Social Health Protection Project (SHPP) implemented by GIZ commissioned a survey to gather evidence on the effectiveness and efficiency of integrated social health protection schemes (ISHPS) for the poor on the utilisation of health services and associated financial protection, in four GIZ-supported operational districts (ODs).


Study of Food Provision on Garment Workers’ Health and Productivity: Impact Evaluation and Secondary Activities

Impact evaluation design, survey and instrument design, data collection and data management, analysis and reporting, additional dissemination activities
