Output Assessment 2022-2025 (WRA MUSEFO)

Inception report, draft questionnaire, survey design, training, translation, pre-testing, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting.


Data analyst and poverty measurement expert to review the new IDPoor questionnaire scoring system for field testing

Review current and proposed scoring system, solve outstanding issues in the regression analysis used for the new IDPoor scoring system


Output Assessment (WRA MUSEFO)

Inception report, draft questionnaires, survey design, training, translation, pre-testing, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting.

Field Testing of new scoring method of IDPoor questionnaire

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, translation, pre-testing, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting.

Nutrition transition and food environments in Cambodia MUSEFO Study

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) on COVID-19 Study

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting

Health Equity Fund Utilisation Survey

Research methodology, instrument design, staff training, data collection, data management, analysis and reporting


HEF Utilisation Survey: Complementary Survey
(Evaluation of the Impact and Efficiency of the Integrated Social Health Protection Scheme in Cambodia: Follow-up Survey)

In 2013, the German-Cambodian Social Health Protection Project (SHPP) implemented by GIZ commissioned a survey to gather evidence on the effectiveness and efficiency of integrated social health protection schemes (ISHPS) for the poor on the utilisation of health services and associated financial protection, in four GIZ-supported operational districts (ODs).


“Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience” (FANSER) –FUS III

Staffing, pre-testing, training, translation, CAPI data collection, quantitative and qualitative data collections, transcriptions, data management

Explorative study: Customs, Beliefs and traditions influencing Nutrition

Inception report, draft questionnaire, survey design, training, translation, pre-testing, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting.