WFP – GAFSP Project Baseline Survey

WFP – Endline Assessment Food Security and Community (SRELFOOD2)

WFP – Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) Study

Midline Survey for Cambodia PROTECT: Communication Strategy to End Violence against Children and Unnecessary Family Separation

Survey on the Status of AquaMedicines, Drugs, and Chemicals Use in Cambodia Aquaculture

Labour Market Survey


Cambodia. Location within country: Phnom Penh

Project Description

The Skills Development Programme (SDP) aims at increasing the income and employment opportunities for disadvantaged young women and men. The programme aims to increase income and employment opportunities for young women and men in three rural provinces of Cambodia: Preah Vihear, Stung Treng and Kratie. The general objective of this consultancy is to understand the supply and demand for jobs in the labour market in target provinces which are accessible to disadvantaged individuals, and how access to these occupations would be facilitated through training courses offered through the Swisscontact Skills Development Programme (SDP), which is currently planning for a second phase (2020-2024).

Angkor Research has directly conducted the literature review, the study design, sample methodology and selection, instrument design (quantitative and qualitative (FGD, Klls), translation and pre-testing, field staff recruitment and training, data collection, data management and quality control, data analysis, and reporting of results. A census of more than 4,000 businesses was conducted in the three provincial towns of Kratie, Stung Treng and Preah Vihear. Out of them, 367 business owners were interviewed with a short quantitative instrument. Six FGDs were conducted with male and female youths. 15 IDI were completed with former SDP graduates and 10 IDIs with vocational training centers in the target areas.

Options for Integrating HIV & TB in Domestic Health Financing Mechanisms in Cambodia

Baseline Survey: Nationwide Domestic Use of Cooking Fuels and Devices

Impact Evaluation of Community Preschool Expansion: Baseline Survey


Cambodia. Location within country: 13 provinces (Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Kampot, Kandal, Koh Kong, Kratie, Mondulkiri, Preah Sihanouk, Prey Veng, Ratanakiri, Steung Treng, Svay Rieng, Takeo)

Project Description

The World Bank, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MOEYS), supports the Second Education Sector Support Project (SESSP) funded by Global Partnership for Education (GPE). One component of SESSP seeks to expand the availability and quality of Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) services. The objectives of the ECCD interventions are to assist MOEYS to expand access to quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) for 3-5 year old’s through construction of facilities, provision of materials and training of staff, as well as to build the demand for ECCD services among families from disadvantaged backgrounds. The program was also designed with a rigorous evaluation to measure the impact of community ECCD services on child cognitive and psychosocial development—with a focus on school readiness. To this end, the World Bank in collaboration with MOEYS is conducting the impact evaluation over three years, from 2016 to 2018.

At the baseline, Angkor Research’s involvement in this large-scale randomized control trial includes sample selection, instrument review/translation, primary CAPI data collection (tablet-based) and data management for over 7,000 households and 305 preschools and villages (divided into treatment and control communities) in 13 provinces, to evaluate the service delivery and effects of preschools on a range of household and child indicators including anthropometrics and cognitive testing for both mothers/caregivers and children. Household and child data is longitudinal and linked across survey rounds. Data collection also includes interviews with village authorities and community preschool facility assessments, photos and GPS locations in all 305 sample villages. The survey was completed, with a 99.9% response rate.

Impact Evaluation of Service Delivery Grants in the Health Sector in Cambodia: Baseline Survey