Part 1 Beginners’ Course in Research Using Descriptive Statistics

Part 2 Beginners’ Course in Research Using Descriptive Statistics

WFP – Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) Study

Climate Change Awareness Raising Campaign

Survey of Primary School Teachers


Cambodia. Location within country: Kampot/Kep; Battambang; Stung Treng and Phnom Penh

Project Summary

The MoEYS is updating its Khmer language curriculum and syllabus from higher pre-school to Grade 3 in 2017, with a view to making possible updates to the textbook in 2018. RTI is working with the MoEYS to provide technical assistance throughout this process. In order to make the most relevant update possible, experiences and feedback from G1 to G3 teachers, MoEYS representatives involved in the development of the textbooks, key NGOs working on education and school inspectors, needed to be gathered.

Angkor Research considered the implementation of a multi-stage, mixed methods research design to fulfil the review’s objectives through: (1) A quantitative survey of 896 primary school teachers from grades 1 to 3 in 192 primary schools; (2) additional quantitative interviews with 9 NGO staff who regularly observe and support teachers in Khmer lessons; 3 Focus group discussions (FGDs) with grade 1 teachers, disaggregated by geographic location (urban/rural/remote); interviews with 5 representatives of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS)’s technical team; and key informant interviews with 10 school inspectors. Services provided to reach this end were research design, sampling methodology, instrument review and translation, data collection/oversight, and cleaning as well as final analysis and reporting.

Impact Evaluation of Community Preschool Expansion: Endline Survey


Cambodia. Location within country: 13 provinces (Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Kampot, Kandal, Koh Kong, Kratie, Mondulkiri, Preah Sihanouk, Prey Veng, Ratanakiri, Steung Treng, Svay Rieng, Takeo)

Project Description

The World Bank, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS), supports the Second Education Sector Support Project (SESSP) funded by Global Partnership for Education (GPE). One component of SESSP seeks to expand the availability and quality of Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) services. The objectives of the ECCD interventions are to assist MOEYS to expand access to quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) for 3-5 year old’s through construction of facilities, provision of materials and training of staff, as well as to build the demand for ECCD services among families from disadvantaged backgrounds. The program was also designed with a rigorous evaluation to measure the impact of community ECCD services on child cognitive and psychosocial development—with a focus on school readiness. To this end, the World Bank in collaboration with MOEYS is conducting the impact evaluation over three years, from 2016 to 2018.

After having conducted the baseline, Angkor Research was awarded the midline through a rigorous MOEYS procurement process. ARC involvement in this large-scale randomized control trial includes sample selection in isolated communities with insufficient baseline sample, tracking and re-interview of households interviewed at the baseline, instrument review/translation, primary CAPI (tablet-based) data collection and data management, reconciliation and linkages with the baseline and midline for approximately 7,300 households and 305 preschools and villages (divided into treatment and control communities) in 13 provinces, to evaluate the service delivery and effects of preschools.

A range of household and child indicators were tested this round, including anthropometrics and cognitive testing for children. Household and individual data is longitudinal, and linked across survey rounds. Data collection also included interviews with village authorities and community preschool teachers, as well as community preschool facility assessments, photos and GPS locations in all 305 sample villages. Additional endline activities included school mapping of all preschools and primary schools within 3km of target villages, teacher interviews and classroom observations (both in-person and video recorded) were collected in around 327 preschools in target and surrounding villages.

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Baseline Survey


Cambodia. Location within country: Kampong Thom, Pursat, Siem Reap and Battambang

Project Description

The Rice Fields Fisheries Phase II (RFF-II) project is part of the Feed the Future Cambodia program, and is led by WorldFish with the support of USAID and its partner NGOs. RFF-II supports farmers/rice field fisheries in increasing sustainable production, food and nutritional security in the four provinces within USAID’s Zone of Influence (Pursat, Battambang, Siem Reap and Kampong Thom). Project activities include a Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC), with a particular focus on improving agriculture, nutrition and WASH behaviors for households with young children. The objective of this KAP baseline survey is to assess the current knowledge about, attitudes towards, and practice of key dietary and WASH behaviors for target beneficiaries within the RFF-II Zone of Influence.

Angkor Research staff conducted the research design, sampling methodology, instrument design and translation, data collection/oversight, and data entry and cleaning services for this survey with 756 eligible households in 36 villages of the 4 targeted provinces (Battambang, Siem Reap, Pursat and Kampong Thom). To strengthen and illuminate the findings from this quantitative component, Angkor Research also conducted 4 focus group discussions.

Three Tracer Studies on Graduates of the Skills Development Programme