Global Sanitation Fund Outcome Assessment in Cambodia


Cambodia. Location within country: 6 provinces (Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Kandal, Kratie, Prey Veng, Takeo)

Project Description

The goal of CRSHIP2 is to increase access to improved sanitation and promote proper hygiene practices in rural communities of Cambodia. The Programme promotes the consistent use of latrines, hand-washing with soap, and drinking only safe water in rural communities, and develops and strengthens the capacity of government, local authorities, and local NGOs in promoting improved sanitation and hygiene. Plan International, Executing Agency of CRSHIP2, obtains strategic guidance and support from the MRD-led Programme Coordination Mechanism (PCM). In the CRSHIP2 programme design two evaluations are included: (1) the mid-term evaluation in year three and (2) final evaluation after 5 years. At this stage, CRSHIP2 will be under-going an Outcome survey with supervision and technical support from WSSCC.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment: WSSCC recommends that GSF programmes conduct outcome surveys periodically (every two years) throughout the programme cycle. The outcome survey represents an important component of a robust programme monitoring system. Outcomes surveys support independent verification of programme results, they serve to measure the sustainability of the results achieved, and they are also a tool to measure other information on the programme outcomes that are not part of the routine monitoring system.

Angkor Research’s involvement in this survey included instrument review/translation (with back-translation), primary CAPI data collection (tablet-based), data management, analysis and reporting to evaluate the effects of CRSHIP2 on a range of household and commune-level WASH indicators. The sample is representative of the CRSHIP2 population and covered 68 villages in 6 provinces of Cambodia. Angkor Research also conducted 272 household observations and 68 open defecation transect village visits. 1,088 households were targeted for quantitative interviews, out of which 1,088 were completed (98.1% response rate). Data collection also included photos and GPS locations.

CRSHIP2 Global Sanitation Fund Outcome Assessment in Cambodia