REACT and FCF Baseline/ Shared Indicator Study


Cambodia. Location within country: Phnom Penh, Kandal, Siem Reap, Battambang and Preah Sihanouk (5 provinces)

Project Description

Save the Children is overseeing two projects that contribute towards similar objectives related to family-based care: Responsive and Effective Child Welfare Systems Transformation (REACT) and the Family Care First (FCF).
REACT aims to both reintegrate children into family-based care, prevent family separation and establish gatekeeping to ensure the number of children in residential care safely decreases. Family Care First, facilitated by Save the Children, is a network of organizations working together to support children to live in safe, nurturing family-based care.

The aim of the Baseline/shared indicator study are to: 1. Establish the baseline for the REACT project indictors as identified in the M&E framework (see Annex 1), which will also become the common set of indicators for the FCF programme at large. 2. Inform the confirmation or adjustments of indicators and targets under REACT and FCF programming. 3. Provide and analyse data on the current situation for children and community members in target communities, which will constitute the basis to measure project performance over time. 4. Generate strategic evidence to contribute to the FCF Learning Agenda.

Angkor Research staff conducted a desk review, secondary data analysis, the research design, sampling methodology and selection, instrument design and translation, pre-testing of instruments, field staff recruitment and training, data collection/oversight, data management and quality control, data cleaning, coding analysis services for this survey with 400 households among general population and 125 with children/families receiving intensive case management services. Both surveys interview both one parent/caregiver and one child in each household. Data collection will be conducted in five provinces (Phnom Penh, Kandal, Battambang, Siem Reap and Preah Sihanouk) in a total of 20 villages.

A desk review was conducted to response to 13 indicators and secondary data analysis was conducted with 1,200 children from partners cases management system to response to 8 indicators.