Tracking Surveys of Socioeconomic Impacts of on Informal and Formal Workers and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Impact of COVID-19 on Entrepreneurs and Mitigating Strategies in Myanmar

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Microfinance Under Covid-19 – Legal Analysis

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Data and Dialogue for Development

Design and implementation of training materials, conduct training workshops, learning assessment, reporting

Consultancy for the comprehensive study on the debt environment in Cambodia for the Integrated Covid-19 response

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


WFP Cambodia Market Study

Pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change #ClimateOfChange. A Pan-European Campaign to build a better future for climate induced migrates, the human face of climate change

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Follow-up to the Household Enterprise (HHE) Survey in Cambodia

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Focus Group Discussions with the Beneficiaries of the COVID-19 Relief Transfer for the Poor Program in Cambodia

Survey design, sampling methodology, instrument design, pre-testing and translation, staff training, CAPI data collection, data management and analysis, reporting


Impact Evaluation of Service Delivery Grants (SDGs) in the Health Sector in Cambodia: Endline Survey

Location Cambodia. Location within country: 23 provinces/municipalities (Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Pailin, Kampong Cham, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom, Kampot, Kep, Kandal, Kratie, Mondulkiri, Oddar Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Prey Veng, Pursat, Ratanakiri, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Stung Treng, Svay Rieng, Takeo, Tboung Khmum) Project Description The World Bank, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH), […]